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Pearline Rutherford
September 22, 2022
Pearline Rutherford
Enim ex reprehenderit non accusamus. Architecto inventore ut et voluptatem minima occaecati possimus ut. Similique ex pariatur aspernatur natus iste eius laudantium provident enim. Dolorem accusantium reiciendis minima dolore ipsam. Ut eos ut adip

Willamette Valley started as a small family-owned winery, but grew as the idea of community ownership caught on with people all over the world. In fact, Willamette Valley lobbied the SEC to allow the idea of fractional ownership through stock purchases of the winery, allowing "owners" to take advantage of a number of privileges.Today, it's estimated that the winery has over 24,000 "owners" - people who own at least 100 shares of the company's preferred stock.  While there are no new shares of preferred stock available directly from the winery at this time, it is possible to get both preferred and common stock on secondary markets.Up until recently, Willamette Valley only granted shareholder perks to owners with preferred stock.  In the past several years, however, these benefits have been extended to owners with common stock.

Perk Eligibility

Willamette Valley started as a small family-owned winery, but grew as the idea of community ownership caught on with people all over the world. In fact, Willamette Valley lobbied the SEC to allow the idea of fractional ownership through stock purchases of the winery, allowing "owners" to take advantage of a number of privileges.Today, it's estimated that the winery has over 24,000 "owners" - people who own at least 100 shares of the company's preferred stock.  While there are no new shares of preferred stock available directly from the winery at this time, it is possible to get both preferred and common stock on secondary markets.Up until recently, Willamette Valley only granted shareholder perks to owners with preferred stock.  In the past several years, however, these benefits have been extended to owners with common stock.

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